Saturday, May 16, 2009


I am trying to stay calm right now, but I am two weeks away from needing to be done. My chapter four revisions have not come back yet and I am still waiting on them to really dive into chapter 5. I am really ready for this to be over. I am feeling stretched a little thin because it is that time of year when lots of things are going on and I can't say no to any of them. Right now I am about to head over to graduation to see some of our alums get their degrees. This is such a special day for them and what an accomplishment. I am so proud of all they have done and will do. Congratulations!


  1. Elyse you can do it. You'll get it done. I had the same attitude about my research paper. Just keep truckin' and you'll get it done.

    I Love You!

  2. Thanks for the support, Kaylie.
