Tuesday, March 31, 2009


Yesterday I presented at the Maine Counseling Association Conference in Rockport. It was a long drive for another line on my CV, but it was well worth it. I presented to a room full of guidance counselors which was a perfect audience to share my research with. Last Friday I pulled out the proposal I sent in October to present at this conference. I wanted to know what I said I would talk about. To my surprise, it was my dissertation! I started to panic. I have just started data analysis. I don't think I'm ready to make any public claims about any of my findings. So, I spent the weekend analyzing and thinking and putting together some big ideas. In the end, I think the process helped to move me forward. I definitely have some major themes in mind now and I am ready to start writing my final two chapters. Figuring out how I am going to put it all together is going to make my head hurt, but I have time to edit it. I want to thank the Maine Counseling Association for allowing me to share my research and for the warm welcome I received.

1 comment:

  1. I know that I say this all the time, but I am so proud of you. You do good work.
