Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Coping Mechanisms

As the stress level rises and the deadlines approach, I think there are some decisions that need to be made regarding the dissertator's sanity. Here are my coping mechanisms:
1. Facebook.
2. The Crackberry.
3. A good massage therapist. I go to Serenity Holistic Massage in Farmington, 779-6671. I highly recommend that everyone go (even if they aren't doing a dissertation) because Emily is amazing and you will thank yourself!
4. The animal shelter. It is a nice place to read while cats sit in your lap and let you pet them. Disclaimer: Don't wear black!
5. Befriend a bartender at a local bar and make a once a week date for dinner and a reality TV show, while editing chapters.
6. Sleeping.
7. Blogging about absurd and ridiculous things that come to mind while trying to do actual work.
8. Holding breath (not advised).
9. Eating (see previous post).
10. Daydreaming about free time and what I will do with all of it next year.

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