Monday, March 12, 2007


February 27, 2006

I met with D.W. today to talk about Phenomenology and how I can infuse the philosophy into my research. He said that as long as I say that I didn’t set out to use a phenomenological lens, but learned more about it later and it fits with what I did, I can use that as a way to frame my work and bring it to the audience. I think I am going to use the Four lived worlds: temporal, corporeal, spatial, and relational to organize my data. I think there are themes in each of these areas coming out.

Temporal- lived time- the kids talk about their future goals and plans, they also talk about their parents’ childhoods to get at generational poverty and how their lives may or may not be different than their parents’ lives when they are adults.

Spatial- lived space- we talk about isolation, about living in a rural area and how it impacts their ability to see their friends, their yards, their houses, etc.

Relational- we talk about friends, family, community, school and their relationship to each of those systems and how the systems interact with each other. We talk about their relationships with their families and friends, partners, and future children.

Corporeal- we talk about thoughts and feelings, personal qualities they have, fears about the future, etc.

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