Saturday, June 13, 2009


I am sooooo close! My practice run through on Tuesday was a little over the time limit. But I feel like I have made significant changes and I should be ready to go on Monday. Currently, there is a pile of questions on the kitchen table that Larry can randomly draw from. This is to help me practice "thinking on my feet." If you didn't know it, this is one of the most important skills someone with a Ph.D. can have. I need to be prepared to demonstrate my competency in this area.

My biggest worry at this point is that if I don't pass, Larry may physically harm someone at BC. We need to come up with a plan for how to get him of campus in the event that things go terribly wrong. That would be bad!

1 comment:

  1. Good luck Elyse! We are poud of you and know that you will WOW them in your defense.
    Love ya, Kathy, Bob , Allison, Ian and Isaac
