Monday, August 13, 2007


Last night we saw Michael Moore's new movie SiCKO. Definitely go see it!! He has done it again! It was amazing. I have so much to say about it, but it really just needs to be seen by everyone. It is a powerful film and it shows how our country treats those who are in the lower social strata. I loved how he compared the U.S. to other countries like England, France, and Canada who see every human life as valuable. The scenes in the hospital in Cuba were moving and inspirational. I left crying (which isn't saying much, I know), but I completely support his statements that we can change the world. I have always felt (and please don't think I am comparing myself to Michael Moore, because I am not anywhere near his greatness) that if I say what I believe out loud about how change is possible and that we could help people, then I would be labeled an idealist and laughed at. But he has the courage to say it and hopefully people will listen. How can they not, he supports everything with evidence.
I think I have a past posting about health care and rural poverty from my research. I know I heard many stories from my participants about their parents and the medical attention they were not receiving for various ailments. It is terrible really. Please let me know what you thought about the movie if you have seen it. If you haven't. . .go. . .now!

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